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Why do I need an account before I can shop?
If you are shopping for yourself, you need to create an account in order to make a purchase. If you are shopping for your school, creating an Apple account allows you to save proposals you've created so that later you can edit them, share them with colleagues, or send them to your authorized purchasing agent for further action.
How do I create an account?
Click Your Account on the menu bar at the top of any Apple Store for Education page. While Apple asks you to provide an email address when you create this account, you can opt out of being contacted by Apple in any way and your wishes will be respected. Please read the Apple Customer Privacy Policy for more information.
Do I need an email address to purchase?
Yes. When you create your Apple account, you need to provide an email address that Apple will use to communicate with you about proposals, orders, and other important information.
How do I change my email address or password?
Change your email address or password by clicking Change Your Profile at the top right of your store's front page, and then sign in to update your account information. If you forget your password, choose Click Here for Assistance.
What methods of payment can I use in an Apple Store?
Shoppers (individual purchasers shopping for themselves) may pay by credit card only (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover). Proposers cannot order products; they can only create proposals. Authorized purchasers may pay by credit card and/or purchase order. If you wish to apply for an Apple Lease, you may order by phone. See Sales and Return Policies for more information.
How can I become an authorized purchaser?
You need to complete an enrollment form and fax it to (512) 674-2288 for processing. Apple will call your business manager to obtain authorization and then create an account for you. You will be contacted with an ID and password, as well as instructions on how to purchase in your Apple Store. This process can take 5-7 business days to complete.
Where can I find an authorized purchaser enrollment form?
You can get an authorized purchaser enrollment form from your Apple sales support specialist or account executive. You can also download a PDF of the authorized purchaser forms and guidelines.